LuPNT 0.1
LuPNT Documentation

Welcome to the LuPNT Library

LuPNT is an open-source C++/Python library for Lunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing Analysis (LuPNT).

Note: This project is under active development.

Source Code and Documentation

All source code is available on GitHub at github.com/stanford-navlab/LuPNT.

The documentation is available at at stanford-navlab.github.io/LuPNT/.


This project is a product of the Stanford NAV Lab. If using this project in your own work please cite the following:

title = {LuPNT: Open-Souce Simulator for Lunar Positioning, Navigation, and Timing},
author={Iiyama, Keidai and Casadesus Vila, Guillem and Gao, Grace},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Institute of Navigation GNSS+ conference (ION GNSS+ 2023)},
institution = {Stanford University},
year = {2023},
url = {https://github.com/Stanford-NavLab/LuPNT},


Step 1: Install Required Packages and Files

Todo: Create a bashfile to do the installation

  • autodiff
    • For automatic differentiation
    • Tested with v.0.6.12
    • Rename the entire folder to "autodiff", and place it under lupnt/3rdparty
  • cspice
    • For planetary ephemris and frame conversion
    • Name the folder cspice and place it under lupnt/3rdparty
    • Then move cpsice.a and csupport.a under cspice/lib to under cspice/
  • Eigen
    • For vector and matrix computation
    • Tested with v3.4.0
    • Place the entire folder to "Eigen", and place it under lupnt/3rdparty
  • boost
  • libInterpolate
    • For function interpolation
    • Tested with version 2.6.2
    • Rename the entire folder to "libInterpolate", and place it under lupnt/3rdparty
  • pybind
    git submodule add -b stable ../../pybind/pybind11 pybind11
    git submodule update --init
  • Ephemeris Files
    • See here for instructions
    • You can extract the kernel files from here as well
    • Place the files under /data/ephemeris
  • Spherical Harmonics Files
    • Place the files under /data/spherical_harmonics

Step 2: Do Additional Setups

  1. Add the path to the base of this Simulator to UserFilePath.h
  2. In the project directory, execute following command to prohibit comitting your path changes
    git update-index --assume-unchanged lupnt/core/UserFilePath.h
  3. If you are using VSCode (recommended), do the additional setups as listed here

Step 3: Build the LuPNT Library

After the build is completed, the generated library will be located at build/lupnt/liblupnt.a

Option 1: From VScode

  1. From Extensions, download CMAKE Tools
  2. Inside the .vscode directory in this project, create "settings.json" and add the following CMAKE option (This required to robustly build pybind)
    // cmake settings
    "cmake.configureArgs": [
    In above, replace path1string with the output you get when typing in the following command in terminal
    python3 -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('include'))"
    Similarly, replace path2string with the output of the following command
    python3 -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR'))"
  3. Configure and Build Project from the CMAKE tab

Option 2: From Terminal

You can build the project by calling

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS=$(python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_path('include'))") \
-DPYTHON_LIBRARIES=$(python -c "import sysconfig; print(sysconfig.get_config_var('LIBDIR'))") \
$ make

The two cmake options will add the path to the python libraries which is required to build pybind.

Step 4: Install the Python LuPNT Library (pylupnt)

For developers, see here for details on how to add new python bindings.

  1. Run CMake to build the python bindings
  2. Create and activate your local venv environment
    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ . /venv/bin/activate
  3. install the lupnt library using pip (you will need to re-run this every time you add a new function to pybind)
    $ pip3 install .
  4. Now you can use the pylupnt library inside your project (see the codes under examples_python/)
    install pylupnt as lpt

Step 5: Run Unit Tests

To run the tests for the c++ codes, run the following script in the project root

$ ./build/test/runUnitTests

To run the tests for the Python bindings, run the following script in the project root

$ python3 -m pytest test_python

Reference for Developers

Testing with GMAT

  • Some of the dynamics functions are tested by comparing outputs with the [GMAT](library) python API
  • See here for instructions on how to setup the GMAT API for function

Working with VSCODE

  • This project uses the Google C++ Style.
    • Set the setting C_Cpp: Clang_format_fallback Style to Google.
    • Set C_Cpp: Clang_format_style to Google if it is not set to file.
  • Install prerequisites
  • Install the extension CodeLLDB
  • Set up run/debug targets in the CMake window, or directly run targets
  • Setup useful shortcuts (Cmd+K Cmd+S) to run your run/debug targets easily
    • CMake: Run Without Debugging
    • CMake: Debug
    • Debug: Start debugging
  • To view Eigen and autodiff objects when debugging, modify the debugger configuration:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
    "name": "(lldb) Launch",
    "type": "lldb",
    "request": "launch",
    // Resolved by CMake Tools:
    "program": "${command:cmake.launchTargetPath}",
    "args": [],
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "initCommands": [
    "command script import \"absolute/path/to/your/eigenlldb.py\"",
  • A useful command for the debug console is p to print a variable or expression. For example, $p rv_rx_gcrf->x_, where rv_rx_gcrf is a std::shared_ptr<State>, results in:
    (autodiff::VectorXreal) $2 = ([0] = 291587.67232231156, [1] = 269354.82986367267, [2] = 76112.184704362284, [3] = -1.3616218570959222, [4] = 0.66603497742054196, [5] = 1.8768878200960224)