Program Listing for File agent.h

Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/agents/agent.h)

#pragma once

// C++ includes
#include <memory>
#include <typeinfo>

// lupnt includes
#include "lupnt/core/constants.h"
#include "lupnt/dynamics/dynamics.h"
#include "lupnt/measurements/comm_device.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/attitude_state.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/clock.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/frame_converter.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/orbit_state.h"

namespace lupnt {

  class ICommDevice;

  class Agent {
    static int id_counter_;
    const int id_;
    std::string name_;
    bool is_bodyfixed_;

    NaifId bodyId_;
    Real epoch_;
    Ptr<IState> rv_;
    Ptr<IDynamics> dynamics_;
    Ptr<AttitudeState> attitude_;
    std::vector<Ptr<ICommDevice>> devices_;

    ClockState clock_;
    std::unique_ptr<ClockDynamics> clock_dynamics_;

    Agent() : id_(id_counter_++), clock_(ClockState(2)) {};

    // Getters
    Real GetEpoch() const { return epoch_; }
    NaifId GetBodyId() const { return bodyId_; }
    bool IsBodyFixed() const { return is_bodyfixed_; }
    Ptr<IState> GetRvState() const { return rv_; }
    Ptr<IDynamics> GetDynamics() const { return dynamics_; }
    Ptr<AttitudeState> GetAttitudeState() const { return attitude_; }
    ClockState GetClockState() const { return clock_; }

    // Setters
    void SetIsBodyFixed(bool is_bodyfixed) { is_bodyfixed_ = is_bodyfixed; }
    virtual void SetRvState(Ptr<IState> rv) { rv_ = rv; }
    void SetDynamics(Ptr<IDynamics> dyn) { dynamics_ = dyn; }
    void SetEpoch(Real epoch) { epoch_ = epoch; }
    void SetBodyId(NaifId bodyId) { bodyId_ = bodyId; }
    void SetClock(ClockState clk) { clock_ = clk; }
    void SetClockDynamics(ClockDynamics& clock_dyn) {
      clock_dynamics_ = std::make_unique<ClockDynamics>(clock_dyn);

    // Comm Device
    void AddDevice(Ptr<ICommDevice> device) { devices_.push_back(device); }
    Ptr<Transmitter> GetTransmitter() {
      for (auto device : devices_) {
        if (device->txrx == "tx") {
          return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Transmitter>(device);
      return nullptr;

    Ptr<Receiver> GetReceiver() {
      for (auto device : devices_) {
        if (device->txrx == "rx") {
          return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Receiver>(device);
      return nullptr;

    // Cartesian OrbitState at epoch in GCRF frame
    virtual CartesianOrbitState GetCartesianGCRFStateAtEpoch(Real epoch) = 0;

    void Propagate(const Real epoch);

    VecX GetRvStateAtEpoch(const Real epoch);

    ClockState GetClockStateAtEpoch(const Real epoch, bool with_noise = true);

    VecX GetClockStateVecAtEpoch(const Real epoch, bool with_noise = true);

  class Spacecraft : public Agent {
    Ptr<OrbitState> orbit_state_;
    bool orbit_state_set_ = false;

    Spacecraft() : Agent() { SetIsBodyFixed(false); };

    void SetOrbitState(Ptr<OrbitState> orbit_state) {
      orbit_state_ = orbit_state;
      std::shared_ptr<IState> state = std::static_pointer_cast<OrbitState>(orbit_state);
      orbit_state_set_ = true;

    Ptr<OrbitState> GetOrbitState() const {
      // First Update the orbit state vector using state_ vector
      if (!orbit_state_set_) {
        std::cerr << "Orbit State is not set: Call SetOrbitState(Ptr<OrbitState>)" << std::endl;
      return orbit_state_;

    CartesianOrbitState GetCartesianGCRFStateAtEpoch(Real epoch);

    VecX GetStateVec() {
      Vec6 rv = rv_->GetVec();
      Vec2 clk = GetClockState().GetVec();
      VecX state(8);
      state << rv, clk;
      return state;

  class Rover : public Agent {
    Rover() : Agent() { SetIsBodyFixed(true); };

  class GroundStation : public Agent {
    GroundStation() : Agent() { SetIsBodyFixed(true); };

    void SetPosition(Vec3d pos) { pos_ = pos; }
    Vec3d GetPosition() { return pos_; }

    Vec3d pos_;
};  // namespace lupnt