Program Listing for File state_estimation_app.h

Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/agents/state_estimation_app.h)

#pragma once
#include <memory>

#include "lupnt/agents/agent.h"
#include "lupnt/agents/application.h"
#include "lupnt/core/file.h"
#include "lupnt/measurements/comm_device.h"
#include "lupnt/measurements/gnss_measurement.h"
#include "lupnt/measurements/gnss_receiver.h"
#include "lupnt/numerics/filters.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/state.h"

namespace lupnt {

  class JointState {
    std::vector<IState*> state_vec_;
    std::vector<IDynamics*> dynamics_vec_;
    std::vector<std::vector<int>> dynamics_to_state_map_;

    VecX state_vec_value_;
    int state_vec_size_ = 0;
    int state_types_ = 0;

    JointState() {};
    JointState(std::vector<IState*> state_vec) {
      int state_vec_size = 0;
      for (int i = 0; state_vec.size(); i++) {
        state_vec_size += state_vec_[i]->GetSize();
      state_vec_size_ = state_vec_size;

    int GetSize() const { return state_vec_size_; };
    std::vector<IState*> GetJointState() { return state_vec_; };
    VecX GetJointStateValue() { return state_vec_value_; };

    void PushBackStateAndDynamics(IState* state, IDynamics* dynamics) {
      state_vec_size_ += state->GetSize();
      state_types_ += 1;


      // update the internal state vector
      int cur_idx = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < state_types_; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < state_vec_[i]->GetSize(); j++) {
          state_vec_value_(cur_idx) = state_vec_[i]->GetValue(j);

    FilterDynamicsFunction GetFilterDynamicsFunction() {
      auto dynfunc = [&](VecX x, Real t_curr, Real t_end, MatXd& Phi) {
        std::vector<IState*> state_vec = GetJointState();
        Phi.resize(state_vec_size_, state_vec_size_);

        // Iterate for each dynamics and corresponding state (e.g. orbit and
        // dynamics)
        int start_idx = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dynamics_vec_.size(); i++) {
          int state_size = state_vec[i]->GetSize();
          MatXd Phi_tmp(state_size, state_size);
          VecX x_seg(state_size);
          VecX x_seg_next(state_size);
          for (int j = 0; j < state_size; j++) {
            x_seg(j) = x(start_idx + j);
          x_seg_next = dynamics_vec_[i]->Propagate(x_seg, t_curr, t_end, &Phi_tmp);
          Phi.block(start_idx, start_idx, state_size, state_size) = Phi_tmp;
          for (int j = 0; j < state_size; j++) {
            x(start_idx + j) = x_seg_next(j);
          // Add states
          start_idx += state_size;

        return x;

      return dynfunc;

  class StateEstimationApp : public Application {
    double epoch0_;  // start epoch in TAU
    double epoch_;   // curent epoch
    double t_;       // Current time [s]

    Ptr<Agent> agent_;
    Ptr<IFilter> filter_;
    FilterDynamicsFunction dynamics_func_;
    FilterMeasurementFunction meas_func_;
    JointState state_vec_;

    void SetAgent(Ptr<Agent> agent) { this->agent_ = agent; }

    double GetInitialEpoch() { return epoch0_; };
    double GetCurrentEpoch() { return epoch_; };
    double GetCurrrentTime() { return t_; };

    void SimulateTruth(double t_end);

    void Setup();
    void Step(double t_end);  // execute to step t
};  // namespace lupnt