Program Listing for File link_measurement.h¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/measurements/link_measurement.h
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include "lupnt/agents/agent.h"
#include "lupnt/core/constants.h"
#include "radio_measurement.h"
#include "transmission.h"
namespace lupnt {
enum class LinkMeasurementType { Range, RangeRate, Bearing };
struct LinkParams {
// Receiver Parameters
double freq; // carrier frequency [Hz]
Modulation modulation_type; // carrier type
double B_L_chip; // tracking loop noise bandwidth
double Tc; // chip duration
double B_L_carrier; // carrier loop noise bandwidth
double sigma_y_1s; // one-sigma range noise [m]
double m_R; // modulation index
double T_I_doppler; // Doppler integration time
double T_I_range; // range integration time (for open loop)
double turnaround_ratio; // Transponder turnaround ratio
// Agent Parameters
BodyData tx_center_body; // center body of the transmitter (target)
BodyData rx_center_body; // center body of the receiver
bool is_bodyfixed_tx; // is the transmitter (target) body fixed
bool is_bodyfixed_rx; // is the receiver body fixed
bool is_groundstation_rx; // is the receiver a ground station
bool is_groundstation_tx; // is the transmitter (target) a ground station
double CN0_linear; // Carrier-to-noise density [dB-Hz]
class LinkMeasurement {
// True epochs
Real epoch_tx_true_ = 0.0; // True transmitted epoch (The acutal signal is
// tranmistted at epoch_tx_true + hardware delay)
Real epoch_rx_true_ = 0.0; // True received epoch (The acutal signal is
// received at epoch_rx_true - hardware delay)
// Transmission
ITransmission trans_ow_; // One-way transmission
std::vector<ITransmission> trans_tw_; // Two-way transmission
std::vector<ITransmission> trans_dow_; // Dual one-way transmission
// Parameters
LinkParams linkparams_;
// Flag if the link is generated
bool one_way_generated_ = false;
bool two_way_generated_ = false;
bool dual_one_way_generated_ = false;
// Agents
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Agent>> agents_;
// Random seed
int seed_ = 0;
// state size
int state_size_ow_ = 16; // One way link state size (target rv + clock, receiver rv + clock)
int state_size_tw_ = 12; // Two way link state size (target rv + receiver rv)
// Occultation bodies
std::vector<NaifId> occult_bodies_;
VecXd occult_alt_;
// Use Fixed error for the measurements
bool use_fixed_error_ = false;
double range_sigma_fixed_ = 0.0;
double range_rate_sigma_fixed_ = 0.0;
// Hardware delay (same for transmitter and receiver)
Real hardware_delay_ = 1e-9; // hardware delay [s]
LinkMeasurement(std::vector<NaifId> occult_bodies, VecXd occult_alt, Real hardware_delay);
/********************** Utils *********************************/
void SetLinkParams();
inline void SetSeed(int seed) { seed_ = seed; }
inline void SetFixedRangeError(double range_sigma) { range_sigma_fixed_ = range_sigma; }
inline void SetFixedRangeRateError(double range_rate_sigma) {
range_rate_sigma_fixed_ = range_rate_sigma;
inline void UseFixedError() { use_fixed_error_ = true; }
inline void DisableFixedError() { use_fixed_error_ = false; }
inline int GetSeed() const { return seed_; }
inline LinkParams GetLinkParams() const { return linkparams_; }
inline Real GetTxEpoch() const { return epoch_tx_true_; }
inline Real GetRxEpoch() const { return epoch_rx_true_; }
void Reset() {
one_way_generated_ = false;
two_way_generated_ = false;
dual_one_way_generated_ = false;
// reset transmission (one-way)
trans_ow_ = ITransmission();
/********************** One way Link ***************************/
void GenerateOneWayLink(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transmitter> &tx,
std::shared_ptr<Receiver> &rx, std::string fixed_txrx);
void GenerateOneWayLinkAtRxEpoch(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transmitter> &tx,
std::shared_ptr<Receiver> &rx) {
GenerateOneWayLink(epoch, tx, rx, "rx");
void GenerateOneWayLinkAtTxEpoch(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transmitter> &tx,
std::shared_ptr<Receiver> &rx) {
GenerateOneWayLink(epoch, tx, rx, "tx");
VecX GetTrueOneWayLinkMeasurement(std::vector<LinkMeasurementType> meas_types);
VecX GetOneWayLinkMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_tx, Vec6 rv_rx, Vec2 clk_tx, Vec2 clk_rx,
MatXd H_ow_rx, Real hardware_delay,
std::vector<LinkMeasurementType> meas_types, bool with_noise,
bool with_jacobian);
Real GetOneWayRangeMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_tx, Vec6 rv_rx, Vec2 clk_tx, Vec2 clk_rx,
MatXd &H_ow_rx, Real hardware_delay, bool with_noise,
bool with_jacobian);
Real GetOneWayRangeRateMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_tx, Vec6 rv_rx, Vec2 clk_tx,
Vec2 clk_rx, MatXd &H_ow_rx, Real hardware_delay,
bool with_noise, bool with_jacobian);
/********************** Two way Link ***************************/
void GenerateTwoWayLink(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_receiver,
std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_target, std::string txrx_fixed);
void GenerateTwoWayLinkAtRxEpoch(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_receiver,
std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_target) {
GenerateTwoWayLink(epoch, tr_receiver, tr_target, "rx");
void GenerateTwoWayLinkAtTxEpoch(Real epoch, std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_receiver,
std::shared_ptr<Transponder> &tr_target) {
GenerateTwoWayLink(epoch, tr_receiver, tr_target, "tx");
VecX GetTrueTwoWayLinkMeasurement(std::vector<LinkMeasurementType> meas_types);
VecX GetTwoWayLinkMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_tx, Vec6 rv_rx, MatXd H_tw_rx,
Real hardware_delay, std::vector<LinkMeasurementType> meas_types,
bool with_noise, bool with_jacobian);
Real GetTwoWayRangeMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_receiver, Vec6 rv_target,
MatXd &H_tw_range, Real hardware_delay, bool with_noise,
bool with_jacobian);
Real GetTwoWayRangeRateMeasurement(Real epoch_rx, Vec6 rv_receiver, Vec6 rv_target,
MatXd &H_tw_rr, Real hardware_delay, bool with_noise,
bool with_jacobian);
} // namespace lupnt