Program Listing for File body.h¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/physics/body.h
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "lupnt/core/constants.h"
#include "lupnt/physics/frame_converter.h"
namespace lupnt {
struct BodyData {
NaifId id;
std::string name;
Real GM;
Real R;
Frame fixed_frame;
Frame inertial_frame;
template <typename T = double> struct GravityField {
int n_max, m_max; // Maximum degree and order
int n, m; // Degree and order
T GM; // Gravitational constant [km^3/s^2]
T R; // Reference radius [km]
Matrix<T, Dynamic, Dynamic> CS; // Unnormalized coefficients
template <typename T = double> struct BodyT {
NaifId id;
std::string name;
T R;
int n, m;
Frame fixed_frame;
Frame inertial_frame;
bool use_gravity_field;
GravityField<T> gravity_field;
static BodyT Sun();
static BodyT Earth(int n = 0, int m = 0, std::string gravity_file = "EGM96.cof");
static BodyT Moon(int n = 0, int m = 0, std::string gravity_file = "grgm900c.cof");
static BodyT Venus(int n = 0, int m = 0, std::string gravity_file = "MGN75HSAAP.cof");
static BodyT Mars(int n = 0, int m = 0, std::string gravity_file = "GMM1.cof");
using Body = BodyT<double>;
template <typename T> GravityField<T> ReadHarmonicGravityField(const std::string& filename, int n,
int m, bool normalized);
BodyData GetBodyData(NaifId id);
double GetBodyRadius(NaifId body);
std::string GetBodyName(NaifId body);
Frame GetInertialFrameName(NaifId body);
Frame GetBodyFixedFrameName(NaifId body);
} // namespace lupnt