Program Listing for File clock.h

Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/physics/clock.h)

#pragma once

#include <tuple>

#include "lupnt/dynamics/dynamics.h"
#include "lupnt/numerics/math_utils.h"
#include "state.h"

namespace lupnt {

  enum class ClockModel { kMicrosemiCsac, kRafs, kUso, kMiniRafs, kUnknown };

  std::tuple<Real, Real, Real> GetClockSigma(ClockModel clk_model);

  class ClockState : public IState {
    VecX x_;
    int state_size_;  // it can be 2 or 3

    ClockState(int state_size);
    ClockState(VecX clock_vec);

    // Overrides
    int GetSize() const;
    VecX GetVec() const;
    void SetVec(const VecX& x);
    Real GetValue(int i) const;
    void SetValue(int idx, Real val);
    StateType GetStateType() const;

  class ClockDynamics : public IDynamics {
    ClockModel clk_model_ = ClockModel::kUnknown;
    bool noise_ = false;

    ClockDynamics(ClockModel clk_model);

    inline void SetNoise(bool noise) { noise_ = noise; }

    static Mat2 TwoStatePhi(Real dt);
    static Mat3 ThreeStatePhi(Real dt);

    static Mat2 TwoStateNoise(ClockModel clk_model, Real dt);
    static Mat3 ThreeStateNoise(ClockModel clk_model, Real dt);

    using IDynamics::Propagate;
    ClockState PropagateState(const ClockState state, Real t0, Real tf, MatXd* stm = nullptr);
    Ptr<IState> PropagateState(const Ptr<IState>& state, Real t0, Real tf,
                               MatXd* stm = nullptr) override;
    VecX Propagate(const VecX& x0, Real t0, Real tf, MatXd* stm = nullptr) override;
    Vec2 Propagate(const Vec2& x0, Real t0, Real tf, Mat2* stm = nullptr);
    Vec3 Propagate(const Vec3& x0, Real t0, Real tf, Mat3* stm = nullptr);
}  // namespace lupnt