Program Listing for File frame_converter.h¶
↰ Return to documentation for file (include/lupnt/physics/frame_converter.h
#pragma once
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include "cheby.h"
#include "lupnt/core/constants.h"
namespace lupnt {
class CartesianOrbitState;
enum class Frame {
// Earth
NONE, // No frame
ICRF, // International Celestial Reference System
ITRF, // International Terrestrial Reference Frame
ECEF = ITRF, // Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed
GCRF, // Geocentric Reference System
EME, // Earth-Centered mean equator and equinox at J2000
ECI = EME, // Earth-Centered Inertial
SER, // Sun-Earth Rotating Frame
GSE, // Geocentric Solar Ecliptic
MOD, // Mean of date equatorial system
TOD, // True of date equatorial system
EMR, // Earth-Moon Rotating Frame
// Moon
MOON_CI, // Moon-centered Inertial Frame (Axis aligened with ICRF)
MOON_PA, // Moon-Fixed with principal axes
MOON_ME, // Moon-Fixed with mean-Earth / polar axes
MOON_OP, // Earth Orbit Frame
// Solar System
MERCURY_FIXED, // Mercury fixed frame
VENUS_FIXED, // Venus fixed frame
MARS_FIXED, // Mars fixed frame
JUPITER_FIXED, // Jupiter fixed frame
SATURN_FIXED, // Saturn fixed frame
URANUS_FIXED, // Uranus fixed frame
NEPTUNE_FIXED, // Neptune fixed frame
// Inertial
MERCURY_CI, // Mercury-centered Inertial Frame
VENUS_CI, // Venus-centered Inertial Frame
MARS_CI, // Mars-centered Inertial Frame
JUPITER_CI, // Jupiter-centered Inertial Frame
SATURN_CI, // Saturn-centered Inertial Frame
URANUS_CI, // Uranus-centered Inertial Frame
NEPTUNE_CI, // Neptune-centered Inertial Frame
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, Frame frame);
extern std::map<Frame, NaifId> frame_centers;
extern std::map<std::pair<Frame, Frame>, std::function<Vec6(Real, const Vec6 &rv)>>
// Vec = func(real, Vec)
Vec6 ConvertFrame(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
Vec3 ConvertFrame(Real t_tai, const Vec3 &r_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
// Mat = func(real, Mat)
MatX6 ConvertFrame(Real t_tai, const MatX6 &rv_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
MatX3 ConvertFrame(Real t_tai, const MatX3 &r_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
// Mat = func(Vec, Vec)
MatX6 ConvertFrame(VecX t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
MatX3 ConvertFrame(VecX t_tai, const Vec3 &r_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
// Mat = func(Vec, Mat)
MatX6 ConvertFrame(VecX t_tai, const MatX6 &rv_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
MatX3 ConvertFrame(VecX t_tai, const MatX3 &r_in, Frame frame_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
CartesianOrbitState ConvertFrame(Real t_tai, const CartesianOrbitState &state_in, Frame frame_out,
bool rotate_only = false);
// Conversions
Vec6 ITRF2GCRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_itrf);
Vec6 GCRF2ITRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_gcrf);
Vec6 GCRF2EME(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_gcrf);
Vec6 EME2GCRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_eme);
Vec6 GCRF2ICRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_gcrf);
Vec6 ICRF2GCRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_icrf);
Vec6 GCRF2MoonCI(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_gcrf);
Vec6 MoonCI2GCRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_mi);
Vec6 MoonCI2MoonPA(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_mi);
Vec6 MoonPA2MoonCI(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_pa);
Vec6 MoonPA2MoonME(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_pa);
Vec6 MoonME2MoonPA(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_me);
Vec6 GCRF2EMR(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_gcrf);
Vec6 EMR2GCRF(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_emr);
Vec6 MoonCI2MoonOP(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_ci);
Vec6 MoonOP2MoonCI(Real t_tai, const Vec6 &rv_op);
// Rotations
Mat3 RotPrecessionNutation(Real t_tai);
Mat3 RotSideralMotion(Real t_tai);
Mat3 RotSideralMotionDot(Real t_tai);
Mat3 RotPolarMotion(Real t_tai);
Mat3d RotGCRF2EME();
Mat3d RotGCRF2EMEFirstOrder();
Mat3d RotGCRF2EMESecondOrder();
std::pair<Mat3, Mat3> RotMoonCI2MoonPA(Real t_tai);
Mat3d RotMoonPA2MoonME();
Mat3 RotOP2CI(Real t_tai);
} // namespace lupnt